The Ultimate 2023 Guide to Behavioral Analytics for SaaS Companies

January 15, 2024


  • Behavioral analytics is vital for SaaS companies to understand user behavior and drive sustainable growth in the digital landscape of 2023.
  • It involves collecting, processing, and analyzing user data to gain valuable insights.
  • Different types of data, including event data, user demographics, and in-app behavior, provide comprehensive insights.
  • First-party data is preferred over third-party data for its accuracy and compliance with data privacy regulations.
  • Distinguishing between user behavior and account behavior helps tailor strategies for both individual and organizational needs.
  • Behavioral analytics is essential for acquisition, conversion, expansion, retention, and product adoption strategies.
  • Main models like cohort analytics, customer segmentation, events trends, funnels, and user journeys provide actionable insights.
  • Embracing behavioral analytics gives SaaS companies a competitive edge in delivering exceptional user experiences and achieving lasting success in the market.

In the digital landscape of 2023, Software as a Service (SaaS) companies are witnessing an unprecedented surge in data generation from user interactions within their platforms. In this era of boundless information, understanding user behavior has become paramount for businesses seeking to unlock the secrets to success and achieve sustainable growth. Enter Behavioral Analytics, the powerful method of data analysis that unlocks invaluable insights into the minds and actions of users within the SaaS realm.

In this comprehensive guide, we embark on an enthralling journey into the captivating world of Behavioral Analytics. We will unravel its core principles, explore the methodologies that drive its effectiveness, and delve into real-world examples of its transformative impact. By the end of this guide, you will be equipped with the knowledge to harness the power of Behavioral Analytics, enabling data-driven decision-making, personalized user experiences, and the key to thriving amidst fierce competition.

Whether you're an established industry leader or a burgeoning startup, the insights gathered from Behavioral Analytics will be your compass in navigating the ever-changing SaaS landscape. Join us as we journey into the heart of data-driven excellence, unraveling the enigma of Behavioral Analytics, and paving the way for a prosperous future in the dynamic world of 2023 and beyond. The power to harness data and shape unparalleled user experiences awaits, so let's embark on this transformative voyage together.

What is Behavioral Analytics?

  Behavioral Analytics Definition

   How Behavioral Analytics Work

      a. Data Collection

      b. Data Processing

      c. Data Analysis

      d. Visualization and Reporting

   Different Types of Data Used in Behavioral Analytics:

      a. Event Data

      b. User Demographics

      c. Usage Patterns

      d. In-App Behavior

      e. Feedback and Surveys

      f. Customer Support Interactions

   Third-Party Data vs. First-Party Data

      a. Third-Party Data

      b. First-Party Data

   Users' Behavior vs. Account Behavior

      a. User Behavior

      b. Account Behavior

Why Use Behavioral Analytics?

   Behavioral Analytics for Acquisition

   Behavioral Analytics for Conversion

   Behavioral Analytics for Expansion

   Behavioral Analytics for Retention

   Behavioral Analytics for Product Adoption

   Behavioral Analytics Main Models

      Cohort Analytics

      Customer Segmentation

      Events Trends and Time Series


      Users Journeys

How to get started with behavioral analytics

   Prepare your data according to your strategy

   Implement the right tools

      Google Analytics





What is Behavioral Analytics?

Behavioral analytics is a method of data analysis that focuses on understanding and interpreting user behavior within a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform. In the digital age, SaaS companies have access to an abundance of data generated by users as they interact with the software. Behavioral analytics harnesses this data to gain valuable insights into user actions, preferences, and pain points.

By tracking and analyzing user interactions, actions, and engagement patterns, behavioral analytics allows SaaS companies to answer critical questions like:

  • Which features are most popular among users?
  • Where are users dropping off in the conversion funnel?
  • What factors contribute to customer churn?
  • How can user onboarding be optimized for better retention?

With answers to these questions, companies can make data-driven decisions to optimize their products, improve user experience, and ultimately drive business growth.

Behavioral Analytics Definition

At its core, behavioral analytics involves the collection, processing, and interpretation of user data to gain meaningful insights. Through the use of various tools and techniques, SaaS companies can understand the "what," "why," and "how" behind user actions.

Event Tracking: Event tracking captures user interactions with the software, such as clicks, form submissions, and feature usage. By tracking these events, companies can identify patterns and trends in user behavior.

User Segmentation: Behavioral analytics allows companies to group users based on common characteristics or behaviors. This segmentation enables targeted marketing campaigns and personalized user experiences.

Funnels and Cohort Analysis: Conversion funnels track users as they progress through various stages, such as signing up, onboarding, and upgrading. Cohort analysis groups users based on the time they join the platform, helping to compare user behavior over different time periods.

These techniques, among others, empower SaaS companies to uncover actionable insights from raw data and make informed decisions that lead to higher customer satisfaction, increased retention rates, and ultimately, growth.

How Behavioral Analytics Work

Behavioral analytics typically follows these steps:

a. Data Collection 

Data is gathered from user interactions within the SaaS platform. This data can include user actions, timestamps, geolocation, device type, and more. SaaS companies often utilize tracking tools, SDKs, and APIs to collect relevant data points.

b. Data Processing

Collected data is cleaned, organized, and structured to ensure accuracy and consistency. In this stage, raw data is transformed into a usable format suitable for analysis.

c. Data Analysis 

This is where the magic happens. Companies utilize data analysis tools and algorithms to derive insights from the processed data. Event-based analytics, funnels, cohort analysis, and machine learning techniques are commonly used to extract valuable information.

d. Visualization and Reporting 

The insights gained from data analysis are visualized through graphs, charts, and reports. These visual representations help stakeholders understand complex data patterns and make informed decisions based on the findings.

Different Types of Data Used in Behavioral Analytics:

Behavioral analytics relies on various types of data to provide comprehensive insights into user behavior:

a. Event Data 

Event data includes user actions, such as clicks, form submissions, feature usage, and transactions. This granular data provides a detailed view of user interactions within the SaaS platform.

b. User Demographics 

User demographics encompass information about users' age, gender, location, job title, and other relevant attributes. Understanding the demographic makeup of users helps tailor marketing strategies and product experiences.

c. Usage Patterns 

Analyzing user behavior patterns helps identify frequent users, power users, and dormant users. This data aids in optimizing user engagement and retention strategies.

d. In-App Behavior 

In-app behavior data refers to how users navigate the software, the sequence of actions they take, and the time spent on different features. This data is valuable for user experience (UX) optimization.

e. Feedback and Surveys

Feedback and survey data provide qualitative insights into user sentiments, pain points, and satisfaction levels. Combining qualitative feedback with behavioral data gives a comprehensive understanding of user needs.

f. Customer Support Interactions 

Analyzing customer support interactions can shed light on common user issues and help improve support processes.

Third-Party Data vs. First-Party Data

In behavioral analytics, there are two primary types of data sources:

a. Third-Party Data 

Third-party data is collected from external sources not directly controlled by the SaaS company. This data is purchased or obtained from data providers and can include demographics, interests, and online behaviors. While third-party data can enrich user profiles and segmentation, its quality and relevance may vary, and it might not be fully compliant with data privacy regulations.

b. First-Party Data

First-party data is data collected directly from users through their interactions with the SaaS platform. It includes event data, usage patterns, and customer support interactions. First-party data is typically more accurate, reliable, and compliant with data privacy regulations, making it the preferred data source for behavioral analytics.

Users' Behavior vs. Account Behavior

In behavioral analytics, it's essential to differentiate between individual user behavior and account-level behavior:

a. User Behavior 

User behavior refers to the actions and interactions of individual users within the SaaS platform. Understanding user behavior helps personalize experiences and identify user-specific needs and preferences.

b. Account Behavior 

Account behavior focuses on how multiple users within an organization interact with the platform as a whole. Account-level analytics is especially relevant for B2B SaaS companies with multiple users per organization. Analyzing account behavior helps understand the collective impact of multiple users on product adoption and engagement.

By distinguishing between individual user behavior and account-level behavior, SaaS companies can design targeted strategies that cater to both user and organizational needs, driving overall platform success.

In conclusion, behavioral analytics plays a pivotal role in the success of SaaS companies by providing data-driven insights that empower informed decision-making across different departments. By understanding user behavior and preferences, businesses can optimize their products and services to meet customer needs, enhance user satisfaction, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth. As the SaaS landscape continues to evolve, harnessing the power of behavioral analytics will remain essential for companies to stay competitive and deliver exceptional user experiences in 2023 and beyond.

Why Use Behavioral Analytics?

Behavioral analytics is essential for SaaS companies as it provides valuable insights into user behavior, enabling data-driven decision-making throughout the customer lifecycle. By understanding how users interact with the platform, companies can optimize their products, improve user experience, and drive business growth. Here's why behavioral analytics is crucial for SaaS companies:

a. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Behavioral analytics provides quantifiable data, eliminating guesswork and enabling informed decisions backed by real user insights.

b. Personalization: By understanding individual user behavior, SaaS companies can tailor experiences to meet specific user needs, increasing engagement and satisfaction.

c. Improved User Experience: Analyzing user behavior helps identify pain points and areas for improvement, leading to a more intuitive and user-friendly product.

d. Retention and Customer Loyalty: Behavioral analytics helps identify churn indicators, enabling proactive efforts to retain customers and enhance loyalty.

e. Enhanced Marketing Strategies: By understanding user preferences and interests, marketing efforts can be tailored for better targeting and higher conversion rates.

f. Product Optimization: Data on feature usage and user engagement guides product teams in prioritizing improvements and updates that align with user needs.

Behavioral Analytics for Acquisition

Behavioral analytics plays a crucial role in customer acquisition by identifying high-value acquisition channels and optimizing marketing efforts. Understanding the behavior of prospective customers can help marketing teams refine their strategies to attract the right audience. 

For example:

  • Analyzing which marketing channels bring in the most engaged users, allowing companies to focus resources on the most effective channels.
  • Identifying the key actions that lead to user sign-ups, enabling marketers to optimize landing pages and onboarding experiences.

Behavioral Analytics for Conversion

Conversion is a critical stage in the customer journey, and behavioral analytics can significantly impact conversion rates. By analyzing user behavior during the conversion process, companies can identify barriers to conversion and implement strategies to improve conversion rates. 

For example:

  • Identifying drop-off points in the conversion funnel, enabling companies to optimize the onboarding process and reduce friction.
  • Understanding the feature usage patterns of free trial users, helping to tailor targeted messages to drive conversions to paid plans.

Behavioral Analytics for Expansion

Expansion involves encouraging existing customers to upgrade their plans or purchase additional features. Behavioral analytics can guide expansion strategies by identifying upsell opportunities and understanding user needs for product expansion. 

For example:

  • Analyzing feature adoption patterns of existing customers, helping sales teams identify cross-selling opportunities for complementary features.
  • Monitoring usage data to trigger personalized offers or recommendations for upgrading to higher-tier plans.

Behavioral Analytics for Retention

Customer retention is crucial for the long-term success of a SaaS company. Behavioral analytics helps identify at-risk customers, enabling proactive intervention to reduce churn. 

For example:

  • Tracking user engagement metrics to identify declining activity, prompting customer success teams to reach out and address issues.
  • Analyzing support interactions and feedback to understand customer sentiment and take appropriate actions to improve satisfaction.

Behavioral Analytics for Product Adoption

Product adoption refers to how quickly and thoroughly users integrate a SaaS product into their workflows. Behavioral analytics helps understand user onboarding and feature adoption patterns, guiding efforts to increase product adoption rates. 

For example:

  • Analyzing the time it takes for users to complete key onboarding actions, enabling companies to optimize onboarding processes for better adoption rates.
  • Monitoring feature usage to identify underutilized functionalities, guiding product updates and user education initiatives.

In conclusion, behavioral analytics is a fundamental tool for SaaS companies seeking growth and success. By leveraging behavioral data across acquisition, conversion, expansion, retention, and product adoption efforts, companies can make data-driven decisions that enhance user experience, increase customer satisfaction, and drive sustainable business growth in the dynamic landscape of 2023 and beyond.

Behavioral Analytics Main Models

Behavioral analytics relies on various models and methodologies to derive insights from user data. Some of the main models used in behavioral analytics include:

Cohort Analytics

Cohort analytics is a powerful tool for studying user behavior over time. It segments users into groups based on a shared characteristic, such as sign-up date, geographic location, or plan type. By tracking the behavior of cohorts over time, companies can identify trends, spot anomalies, and gain valuable insights into customer retention and engagement.


A SaaS company notices a sudden increase in user churn. By using cohort analysis, they discover that users who signed up during a specific month have a significantly higher churn rate compared to others. Upon further investigation, they find that a new feature introduced during that month caused confusion and dissatisfaction, leading to increased churn. Armed with this insight, the company rolls out targeted onboarding and support efforts to address the issue and improve retention for future cohorts.

Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation involves grouping users based on similarities in behavior, preferences, or attributes. This segmentation allows companies to tailor their communications, marketing messages, and product offerings to different customer groups.


A project management SaaS company segments its users into small business owners, enterprise clients, and freelancers. By analyzing the preferences and needs of each segment, the company can tailor its marketing materials and product updates to address the specific pain points and requirements of each group. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and increased user retention.

Events Trends and Time Series

Analyzing events trends and time series data helps companies understand how user behavior evolves over different time periods. It allows them to identify patterns, seasonal trends, and the impact of marketing campaigns or product changes.


A subscription-based SaaS company observes a surge in user engagement during holiday seasons. By analyzing historical event data, they realize that offering limited-time promotions during holidays leads to increased feature adoption and user activity. Armed with this knowledge, the company plans targeted promotional campaigns during holiday periods to boost user engagement and conversions.


Funnels track the sequential flow of events that users go through before reaching a specific goal, such as completing a purchase or upgrading their plan. Analyzing funnels helps identify where users drop off, allowing companies to optimize the user journey and improve conversion rates.


An e-commerce SaaS company notices a high drop-off rate during the checkout process. By setting up a funnel to analyze each step, they identify that a lengthy and complicated checkout process discourages users from completing purchases. The company then streamlines the checkout process, leading to a significant increase in successful conversions.

Users Journeys

User journey mapping provides a visual representation of the entire user experience, including the various touchpoints and interactions users have with the product. Understanding these journeys helps companies identify pain points, optimize user onboarding, and create a seamless experience.


A customer support SaaS company maps out the user journey from signup to becoming an active customer. They discover that users who receive personalized onboarding emails and video tutorials have a higher likelihood of becoming active and engaged customers. Armed with this insight, the company enhances its onboarding process to provide more personalized guidance to new users, leading to increased product adoption and customer satisfaction.

How to get started with behavioral analytics

Prepare your data according to your strategy

Preparing a proper dataset for behavioral analytics involves several steps. Here are a few tips to get started:

  1. Define your objectives: Before you start collecting data, it's important to define your objectives and the questions you want to answer. This will help you determine what data you need to collect and how to structure your dataset.
  1. Choose your data sources: There are many different types of data sources that you can use for behavioral analytics, including user behavior data, demographic data, and customer support data. Choose the data sources that are most relevant to your objectives and the questions you want to answer.
  1. Define your data schema: A data schema is a blueprint that defines the structure of your dataset. It's important to define a clear and consistent schema that is easy to understand and use.
  1. Clean and preprocess your data: Once you have collected your data, it's important to clean and preprocess it to ensure that it is accurate and usable. This may involve removing duplicates, filling in missing values, and transforming data into a format that is compatible with your analysis tools.
  1. Analyze your data: Once your data is prepared, you can start analyzing it to gain insights into user behavior patterns. This may involve a variety of techniques, including clustering, regression analysis, and predictive modeling.

To implement an event-based tracking system for behavioral analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the events to track: Identify the user actions that you want to track, such as clicks, views, and session duration. It's important to choose events that are relevant to your objectives and the questions you want to answer.
  1. Choose your tracking tool: There are many different tracking tools available, such as Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Amplitude and Successeve. Choose the tool that is most relevant to your objectives and the events you want to track.
  1. Implement tracking code: Once you have chosen your tracking tool, implement the tracking code on your digital platforms. This may involve adding code snippets to your website or installing a software development kit (SDK) for mobile apps.
  1. Test your tracking: After implementing the tracking code, test it to ensure that it is working properly. This may involve creating test events and verifying that they are being tracked correctly.
  1. Analyze your data: Once your tracking system is up and running, analyze the data to gain insights into user behavior patterns. This may involve a variety of techniques, including segmentation, funnel analysis, and cohort analysis.

Overall, implementing an event-based tracking system for behavioral analytics requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these steps and choosing the right tools, you can ensure that your tracking system provides valuable insights into user behavior patterns and helps you optimize your digital strategies accordingly. 

Implement the right tools

Here are some pros and cons of popular behavioral analytics tools:

Google Analytics


  • Free to use for most businesses
  • Provides a wide range of metrics and data points
  • Integrates with many other Google products, such as Google Ads and Google Search Console
  • Provides customizable reports and dashboards
  • Easy to implement with a simple JavaScript code snippet


  • Limited customization options for advanced users
  • Limited possibilities for account based analytics
  • Can be difficult to set up and configure for more complex tracking scenarios
  • May not provide as much granular data as other tools
  • Limited customer support options



  • Provides advanced event tracking and segmentation options
  • Offers customizable reports and dashboards
  • Provides real-time data and alerts
  • Offers a user-friendly interface and easy-to-use API
  • Provides a free plan for small businesses


  • Can be expensive for larger businesses
  • May not provide as many integrations with other tools as some competitors
  • Limited customer support options
  • Some users report that the interface can be slow or buggy at times



  • Provides advanced event tracking and segmentation options
  • Offers customizable reports and dashboards
  • Provides real-time data and alerts
  • Offers a user-friendly interface and easy-to-use API
  • Provides a free plan for small businesses


  • Can be expensive for larger businesses
  • May not provide as many integrations with other tools as some competitors
  • Limited customer support options
  • Some users report that the interface can be slow or buggy at times



  • Provides advanced event tracking and segmentation options
  • Offers customizable reports and dashboards
  • Provides real-time data and alerts
  • Offers a user-friendly interface and easy-to-use API
  • Provides a free plan for small businesses


  • May not provide as many integrations with other tools as some competitors

Overall, the choice of a behavioral analytics tool depends on the specific needs and goals of a business. Google Analytics is a popular choice for small businesses due to its affordability and ease of use, while Mixpanel, Amplitude, and Successeve offer more advanced features and customization options for larger businesses. However, each tool has its own pros and cons, so it's important to carefully evaluate each option before making a decision.


The Ultimate 2023 Guide to Behavioral Analytics for SaaS Companies highlights the significance of behavioral analytics in driving data-driven decision-making and business growth. By harnessing the power of data, companies can gain valuable insights into user behavior, leading to optimized products, improved user experiences, and sustainable growth. This data-driven approach enhances customer retention and loyalty by identifying churn indicators early on and tailoring marketing strategies. The guide explores key models like cohort analytics, customer segmentation, events trends, funnels, and user journeys, providing actionable insights for better decision-making. As we move into 2023 and beyond, embracing behavioral analytics will give SaaS companies a competitive edge, enabling them to evolve their products, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve lasting success. In conclusion, the journey towards data-driven excellence begins with behavioral analytics, offering endless possibilities for SaaS companies in the dynamic market, start with Successeve now. 

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